Headquartered by the ocean and mountains of the beautiful west coast of Canada in greater Vancouver, British Columbia, we are a gratefully and proudly North American education brand invested in facilitating advanced coaching-driven voice, story and advocacy development for leaders, entrepreneurs and executives. Our brand mission is to guide and fast-track the growth of freedom loving advocates, just like you, to more rapidly uplevel your influence, resilience and prosperity. Aided by simple, easy-to-follow, done-with-you voice facilitation frameworks that free you to thrive.

Everything we do is in service of human and planetary flourishing, wherever and whenever possible. We live and breathe what we do 24/7 at the intersections of human creativity, rights and potential.

Founded by the Nubian Khartoum-born Sufi North American writer Drima a.k.a. Amir Ahmad Nasr, AssertiveU is in the business of amplifying your self-expression mastery and key ability to withstand adversity. At times, we also volunteer in efforts supporting human rights dissidents and our veterans.

As we are based on the ancestral territory of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations, we celebrate Canada as a nation of First Nations and All Nations and firmly believe each of us has a responsibility and role to play in safeguarding the freedom and security of all.



Founder & President

We do diversity and inclusivity on the basis of merit, excellence and intelligence (M.E.I.) rooted in universal humanist values, diversity of thought, pluralism as well as equality and equity. Thanks to this timely approach, we have benefited our participants with a better alternative and we look forward to facilitating the same for you as you uplevel in your freedom, leadership and influence.

We are creators, students and educators in a creative world of worlds converging: east and west, black and white, secular and spiritual, modern and traditional, in-person and virtual, and all of that humanity's lineages and archetypes have to offer in their rich expressions, affirming narratives that undo illusions of separation, shed light on universal truths and transcend our differences.

Everything we do is inspired by our individual personal values and shared brand foundational values. Through our transpersonal psychology-based and proven trauma-informed facilitation methods, we operate in a spirit of creativity and play to enrich your life legacy. As long as you are resonant with our values, self-responsible and truly committed, we invite you to grow exponentially too.

Once again, welcome to AssertiveU.


At AssertiveU, as a global team of valued peers and associates, together, we assertively stand for the values of


Which we define and live as an inner state that is the basis of who we are as spiritual beings, and as a life skill that is learnable based on individual sovereignty strongly rooted in unity consciousness.


Which we define and live as the active sustaining of the conditions that enable the realization of our intrinsically valuable and joyful self-expression with greater agency, wealth and creative fulfilment, together, as a collective.


Which we define and live as a sense of duty beyond mere selfish self-interest in integrity and with dedication based on the courage of our convictions leaving those who benefit from our services better than we found them.


"When the lips are silent, the heart has a hundred tongues... Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it... If you only say one prayer in a day, make it thank you." — Rumi

"Your thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand." The Late Bob Proctor in his best-seller You Were Born Rich: Now You Can Discover & Develop Those Riches

"O Marvel! A garden amidst fires! My heart has become receptive of every form: it is a pasture for gazelles, a monastery for Christian monks, a temple for deities, the Ka'bah of the pilgrim, the tables of the Torah, and the book of the Qur'an. I follow the religion of Love. Wherever its camel mounts turn, that is my religion and my Faith." — Ibn Arabi

"Without expectations... the ability to look deeply is the root of creativity." — The Legendary Music Producer Rick Rubin

"He had a language that was assertive, eloquent and political, but not devoid of love." — Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature Toni Morrison describing James Baldwin's writings

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want... You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." — Zig Ziglar

"In the cave you fear to enter lies the treasure you seek." — The Renowned Mythologist Joseph Campbell

"True desire in the heart for anything good is God's proof to you sent beforehand to indicate that it’s yours already." — Denzel Washington


We go beyond conventional leadership, because we are rooted in the best of universal, timeless yet timely science-backed and proven Eastern and Western wisdom. We do it through holistic methods inspired by the classical liberal arts, meditative practices and martial arts philosophy.

Together, with our global team of associates, we facilitate more rapid self-realization and transcendence for mission-driven leaders, entrepreneurs and executives. Ultimately, we help you remain powerfully unphased and driven in your challenging times and complex situations to grow in impact and prosperity. To experience one of our proven voice intensives, subscribe to learn more.